
Digital health is growing

At Dansk Sundhedssikring, Online physiotherapy is an option to conduct your consultations with a physiotherapist over a video connection instead of transporting yourself to a physical clinic, finding a parking space and taking a seat in the waiting room.

The consultations provided by our partner, Injurymap, can take place when it suits the customer, and are also offered after normal working hours, where many regular physiotherapy clinics are closed.

Director Per Gade, who together with quality and development specialist Maria Burchardt and physiotherapist Mi-Ja Søndergaard has worked on the pilot project, predicts that the digital treatment has a great future:

“We expected that 2-3% of the customers who report their injury online would choose the offer of a purely digital course, rather than a physical one. It turned out to be more than 10%, and we are not done adapting the product to customer needs, so we will probably end up even higher. This shows that there is a great demand for products that meet the customer's desire for flexibility - both in terms of time and location.”


Customers want help with self-help

In addition to the desire for appointments after normal working hours, it seems that there is generally a paradigm shift, where customers are more self-reliant and willing to take responsibility for their own health, compared to before where there was more often an expectation of clean passive treatment on the couch.

And how can that be? According to Per Gade, it seems that many years of research results have finally reached consumers: “We have known for decades that self-responsibility and training exercises should be more in focus than the passive bench treatment for many types of injuries, but in practice it has proved harder to change people's habits. Now we see tendencies for it to move. It may have been helped along the way by the corona epidemic, where closed clinics and limited opportunities for physical contact have made Danes more self-reliant. We find that customers are more receptive to advice and training guidance than massage and other passive treatment, when customers can see and feel that it helps them best.


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