Strong network - strong treatment

High-quality network

At PrimaCare we provide a high-quality network of therapists for the insurance industry as well as municipalities, pension companies and more. We offer a wide range of treatments within physiotherapy, chiropractor, and psychology.

We do not have the largest network - we have the best!

PrimaCare's therapists are hand-picked based on effect measurement of quality and customer satisfaction on all our courses. Our therapists specialize in the specific areas where the client has a treatment need. For example, we have physiotherapists specializing in back injuries and psychologists specializing in stress.

There are a total of more than 900 clinics in our network with a wide range of specialties, so we can always help our clients with their challenges.

Health navigation

PrimaCare has several years of experience in effective health navigation. We use this knowledge to ensure that the people who need help not only receive treatment, but receive the right treatment.

This means higher customer satisfaction and better economy for PrimaCare's partners.
We ensure high quality through ongoing quality measurements within customer satisfaction, effect measurement in treatment processes and physical checks of clinics and networks. We monitor all cases and follow up on cases where the treatment effect or customer satisfaction does not meet the standards our customers can rightly expect.

Health data

PrimaCare has access to a unique and documented knowledge of navigation in the private / public health system with a different approach to the individual's health needs. Our support for the future needs for intelligent navigation, customer satisfaction and health data makes PrimaCare a value-creating partner in frequency injuries.

Time guarantee

We provide fast response time and treatment for acute cases. There is a 48-hour emergency guarantee for certain types of treatment.